10 Best Rotating Proxies With Unlimited Bandwidth

Rotating Proxies With Unlimited Bandwidth

Are you tired of being limited by bandwidth restrictions on your proxy server? Are you looking for a reliable solution that offers both rotating IPs and unlimited bandwidth? Look no further, as we have compiled a list of top rotating proxies that provide unlimited bandwidth for all your proxy needs.

Proxy providers offer a range of services, from data scraping to anonymous browsing. Rotating proxies, in particular, automatically switch between IP addresses, ensuring your online activities remain secure and anonymous. Unlimited bandwidth ensures you can use the proxy service without any limitations, allowing for seamless internet browsing.

Finding the right rotating proxy provider with unlimited bandwidth can make a significant difference in your online experience. In this article, we will highlight the top rotating proxy providers with unlimited bandwidth, so you can make an informed decision and enjoy a hassle-free browsing experience.

Summary of the Best Rotating Proxy Providers of 2024

  • IPRoyal – cheap credit-based plans and highly customizable rotation.
  • SmartProxy – The best balance between features and price
  • Proxy-Ipv4 – offers high-quality rotating private proxy
  • Bright Data – every kind of rotating proxies with many features.
  • Proxy-Cheap – Unlimited bandwidth for high-volume activities
  • ProxyEmpire – Fast speeds for efficient data extraction
  • SOAX – very flexible rotating residential & mobile IPs.
  • Rayobyte – Lightning-fast speeds for efficient, uninterrupted data extraction at scale
  • WebShare – Highly customizable subscription options and comprehensive self-service features.
  • Infatica – reasonably priced residential proxies for business.

What Is A Rotating Proxy?

What Is A Rotating Proxy

A rotating proxy is a type of proxy server that automatically changes the IP address it assigns to a user's connection at regular intervals or with each request. This rotation of IP addresses helps users maintain anonymity and overcome IP blocking when browsing the internet or performing tasks such as web scraping. Rotation can occur on a schedule or based on predefined criteria, allowing users to access a large pool of IP addresses and avoid detection or restrictions by websites and servers.

How does Rotating Proxy work?

How does Rotating Proxy work

Rotating proxies operate by dynamically assigning users different IP addresses from a pool. When a user connects to the internet through a rotating proxy server, they receive an initial IP address from the provider's pool. Unlike static proxies, which maintain the same IP throughout the session, rotating proxies periodically switch the assigned IP address. This rotation can occur at intervals or with each new request, allowing users to cycle through a sequence of IP addresses.

The primary function of rotating proxies is to enhance anonymity and bypass online restrictions. By constantly changing IP addresses, rotating proxies make it challenging for websites to track users' online activities. This feature is beneficial for tasks like web scraping, where users need to collect data from multiple sources without detection.

Additionally, rotating proxies help overcome IP blocking mechanisms employed by websites, as the changing IPs evade blacklisting. Overall, rotating proxies offer increased privacy, security, and flexibility for various online tasks.

Why Do We Use Rotating Proxies?

Why Do We Use Rotating Proxies

Similar to other proxies, rotating proxy servers enhance your online privacy and security, but with added benefits. They significantly hinder tracking and monitoring of your online activities, while also shielding you from various cyber threats.

The ability to regularly change your IP address makes rotating proxies particularly advantageous when sending multiple connection requests to specific websites or services.

There are numerous scenarios where having the option to obtain a new IP address as required proves beneficial:

  • Web scraping, market research, and SEO monitoring
  • Competitive analysis
  • Testing websites and applications
  • Managing social media accounts

In essence, rotating proxies are indispensable for projects involving the rapid collection of large data sets while maintaining confidentiality.

1. IPRoyal

IPRoyal for Craigslist Proxy

IPRoyal is a leading provider of rotating residential proxies with a vast IP pool and advanced features. Aside from rotating proxies, they offer static residential and dedicated proxies. IPRoyal's proxies are known for high performance and reliability, making them suitable for demanding tasks like web scraping. They provide comprehensive proxy management tools for efficient control and monitoring.

For businesses seeking a robust solution, IPRoyal is an excellent choice with flexible pricing plans tailored to specific needs. However, some users may find the pricing structure complex.

IPRoyal maintains strict proxy usage policies and KYC verification, ensuring responsible usage but potentially presenting a hurdle for some users. While powerful, IPRoyal may not be the most user-friendly, and advanced features can come at a premium.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Residential Proxy: $1.75/GB
  • Datacenter Proxy: $1.39/Proxy
  • ISP Proxy: $2.40/Proxy
  • Mobile Proxy: $117/Month

2. SmartProxy

SmartProxy Rotating Proxy ProvidersSmartProxy Rotating Proxy Providers

Smartproxy is an intelligent rotating proxy solution designed for large-scale web scraping and data extraction. In addition to rotating proxies, they offer static residential and dedicated proxies. Their proxies are known for high performance, reliability, and scalability, making them suitable for demanding tasks.

Smartproxy provides powerful proxy management tools, including IP rotation controls, geo-targeting options, and real-time performance monitoring. These enable users to optimize their proxy usage and ensure efficient data extraction.

Smartproxy offers flexible pricing plans, including pay-as-you-go and customized subscription options, allowing businesses to choose cost-effective solutions. Their pricing structure is generally straightforward to understand.

While Smartproxy maintains strict proxy usage policies, its customer support team is readily available to assist users in justifying their use cases and ensuring compliance. Additionally, Smartproxy is known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Static Residential Proxies:$2/proxy/month
  • Residential proxy:$2.2/GB
  • Mobile Proxies: $6/GB
  • Datacenter Proxies: $0.09/IP
  • Site Unblocker: $6/GB

3. Proxy-Ipv4


The Proxy IPV4 service is a robust solution for those in need of rotating proxies with unlimited bandwidth. This provider stands out for offering high-quality private IPv4 proxies that ensure dedicated use, meaning your IPs are not shared with others. A notable feature is the service’s support for both HTTPS(S) and SOCKS5 protocols, enhancing its versatility. Additionally, the service provides a comprehensive range of locations across multiple continents, ensuring broad coverage for diverse needs. Users benefit from high-speed performance and low latency, making these proxies ideal for tasks like SEO, social media marketing, and streaming. Moreover, the service boasts non-blacklisted IPs with low spam scores, ensuring reliability and trustworthiness.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Private Proxies (IPv4): $0.36 for 3 days
  • Private Proxies (IPv6): $0.09 per month per proxy
  • Mobile Proxies: $25 for 3 days.

4. Bright Data

Bright Data Rotating Proxy Providers

Bright Data is a market leader with many features and tools. Besides regular residential proxies, you can get ISP proxies, rotating datacenter IPs, and even mobile addresses. The proxies are very performant and highly scalable. Bright Data offers powerful control tools like its open-source Proxy Manager. Overall, it's a fine choice for businesses that want all the bells and whistles they can get. You can pay as you go or fine-tune a pricing plan for your needs – some like it, others find it confusing.

Bright Data has strict proxy usage and KYC policies, so you might need to defend your use case. It's not the easiest provider to use, and extra features cost a premium.


  • Support:HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Rotating Residential: $1.75/GB
  • Static Residential: $2.40/proxy
  • Datacenter: $1.39/Proxy
  • Mobile Proxy: $117/month

5. Proxy-Cheap

Proxy-Cheap Rotating Proxy Providers

Proxy-Cheap is a cost-effective rotating proxy solution that doesn't compromise on quality. While affordable, they offer a robust pool of residential IPs from multiple countries, enabling efficient web scraping and data extraction. Proxy-Cheap's rotating proxies come with unlimited bandwidth, ensuring uninterrupted data extraction without throttling.

One key advantage of Proxy-Cheap is its user-friendly interface and straightforward pricing structure. Users can easily navigate their offerings and select a plan that fits their budget and usage requirements, with both monthly subscriptions and pay-as-you-go options available.

Proxy-Cheap maintains reasonable proxy usage policies and provides responsive customer support to assist users in understanding and complying with these policies. Their support team is knowledgeable and readily available to address any concerns or issues.

While Proxy-Cheap may not offer as many advanced features as some competitors, it provides a reliable and affordable solution for users seeking rotating residential proxies with unlimited bandwidth.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Static Residential Proxy: $1.99/Proxy
  • Datacenters IPv4 Proxies: $1.13/proxy
  • Datacenters IPv6 Proxies: $0.30/proxy
  • Rotating Residential Proxies: $2.99
  • Mobile Proxies: $30/Proxy

6. ProxyEmpire

ProxyEmpire Rotating Proxy Providers

ProxyEmpire is a versatile provider of rotating residential proxies, catering to web scrapers and data harvesters. Their strength lies in their backconnect proxy technology, ensuring enhanced reliability and anonymity. ProxyEmpire offers a vast IP cluster and unlimited bandwidth, enabling lightning-fast, high-volume scraping operations.

In addition to rotating proxies, ProxyEmpire provides static residential and dedicated proxies to meet diverse use cases. Their proxies are known for high performance and reliability, making them suitable for demanding tasks.

ProxyEmpire provides a user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation, making it easy to navigate and understand their services. Their pricing plans are flexible, offering monthly subscriptions and customizable options for businesses with unique requirements.

ProxyEmpire maintains reasonable proxy usage policies and provides dedicated customer support to assist users in understanding and complying with these policies. Their support team is knowledgeable and readily available to address any concerns or issues.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Static residential proxy IP: $2.00/proxy/month+ $15/GB
  • Dynamic data center proxy IP:$0.625/GB
  • Dynamic Mobile Proxy IP:$30.00/GB
  • Dynamic Residential Proxy IP:$15/GB

7. Rayobyte

Rayobyte Rotating Proxy Providers

Rayobyte is a cutting-edge provider of backconnect rotating proxies, designed specifically for large-scale web harvesting and data extraction. Their advanced rotation mechanics, coupled with a massive IP cluster and unlimited bandwidth, make Rayobyte a powerhouse for anonymous, high-volume scraping operations.

Rayobyte's backconnect technology ensures enhanced anonymity and reliability, making their proxies suitable for even the most demanding scraping tasks.

Rayobyte offers flexible pricing plans, including monthly subscriptions and customized solutions for businesses with unique requirements. Their knowledgeable support team is available to guide users through the setup and provide ongoing assistance, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Residential Proxies: $1/GB
  • Datacenter Proxies: $1/IP
  • ISP Proxies: $4.60/IP
  • Mobile Proxies: $50/Month

8. WebShare

Webshare Overview

Webshare is a reliable choice for rotating residential proxies with unlimited bandwidth, catering to the needs of web scrapers and data miners. Their extensive IP pool and frequent IP rotations ensure anonymity during high-volume scraping tasks, while their unlimited bandwidth facilitates uninterrupted data extraction.

Webshare offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation, making it easy for users to navigate their proxy services.

Webshare offers competitive pricing plans, including monthly subscriptions and customizable options for businesses. Their responsive customer support team is available to assist users with setup, configuration, and any technical issues that may arise.


  • Support: HTTP and SOCKS
  • Static Residential Proxy: $0.22/Proxy
  • Residential Proxy: $4.5/GB
  • Datacenter Proxy: $0.05/GB

9. Infatica

Infatica Rotating Proxy Providers

Infatica is a trusted provider of rotating residential proxies, offering a comprehensive solution for high-volume web scraping and data harvesting. With unlimited bandwidth and advanced IP rotation mechanisms, Infatica ensures smooth, anonymous scraping operations at scale.

Infatica's proxies are known for their reliability and performance, making them suitable for demanding scraping tasks.

Infatica offers flexible pricing plans, with monthly subscriptions and tailored options for enterprises with unique requirements. Their dedicated support team is available to guide users through setup, optimize performance, and address any concerns or issues that may arise during scraping workflows.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Residential Proxies: $1/GB
  • Mobile Proxies: $4/GB
  • Datacenter Proxies: $15/GB

10. SOAX

SOAX Rotating Proxy Providers

SOAX is a high-performance rotating proxy provider that excels in facilitating uninterrupted, high-volume web scraping. They offer rotating residential proxies and datacenter proxies with unlimited bandwidth. SOAX's intelligent IP rotation mechanisms, combined with location targeting capabilities, ensure seamless data extraction at scale.

SOAX provides a user-friendly dashboard and API for efficient proxy management. Their proxies are known for reliability and speed, making them suitable for demanding scraping tasks.

SOAX offers competitive pricing plans, including monthly subscriptions and tailored solutions for enterprises. Their responsive customer support team is available to assist with technical issues, setup, and optimization, ensuring a smooth scraping experience.


  • Support: HTTP(S), SOCKS5, whitelist
  • Residential Proxy IP (Rotating): $6.6/ GB
  • Mobile Proxy IP: $6.6/GB
  • US ISP Proxies: $6.6/GB
  • Datacenters Proxies: $0.65/GB
  • Web Unblocker: $10/GB


Q. Should I use static or rotating proxies?

For consistency and stability, static proxies with fixed IP addresses are suitable, especially for tasks like accessing geo-restricted content. However, if you require anonymity or frequent IP rotation to overcome blocks, rotating proxies, with their regularly changing IP pool, would be more appropriate.

Q. Why are rotating proxies so expensive?

Rotating proxies is more expensive due to the need for infrastructure to manage a large IP pool and the rotation process. They often include features like unlimited bandwidth and higher anonymity, justifying their cost by offering enhanced security, accessibility, and anonymity.

Q. What is the difference between sticky and rotating proxies?

Sticky proxies keep the same IP for a period before rotating, offering some consistency. Rotating proxies change IPs regularly for better anonymity and overcoming blocks. Sticky proxies suit tasks needing stability, while rotating proxies excel in activities requiring frequent IP changes, like web scraping or data mining.

Q. Why do rotating proxy providers offer unlimited bandwidth?

Offering unlimited bandwidth ensures users can access and transfer data without restrictions or additional charges. This is especially important for tasks like web scraping, where large volumes of data may need to be transferred.

Final Thoughts

In the ever-evolving landscape of online privacy and data accessibility, the selection of a reliable rotating proxy provider with unlimited bandwidth is paramount. These top providers offer not only seamless browsing experiences but also robust security features; ensuring users can navigate the internet with confidence and anonymity.

However, it is crucial to thoroughly assess each provider's offerings and reputation to make an informed decision that aligns with specific needs and priorities. By leveraging these rotating proxy services, individuals and businesses alike can enhance their online presence while safeguarding their sensitive information from potential threats.

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