Have you ever had to export your YouTube viewing history from one Google account to another? Then you might understand what I'm saying. Continue reading if you want to use a different Google account to access YouTube viewing history and subscription list from a previous Google account. This article covers how to export YouTube subscription list from one google account to another.
If we want to get more content from a channel, we usually subscribe to it, and the “Subscribe” button is available on all channel pages or below all videos. You will get a notification for a new video on the channel.
Trying to open each channel and subscribe to them would be time-consuming, though it is possible. There is an alternative method for completing the task.
Continue reading to learn how to export YouTube subscriptions list from one Google account to another.
Procedure for exporting YouTube Subscription List
You can transfer YouTube subscriptions from one account to another using the Evan Reilly YouTube Subscriptions Importer tool, which allows you to subscribe to all channels on the new account.
Here's a step-by-step guide to exporting YouTube subscriptions from one account to another.
Step 1: The first step is to export the list of channels you subscribed to in your previous account.
Step 2: Go to YouTube's “Manage subscriptions” page and enter your old account credentials.
Step 3: When you log in and open the page, you'll see a list of all your subscribed channels.
Step 4: Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the option to ‘Export Subscriptions.” Your computer receives an a.xml file.
Step 5: Go to the Evan Reilly YouTube Subscriptions Importer tool after downloading the.xml file. At the top, navigate through the “Choose File” button and upload the XML file. After that, press the “Import!” button.
Step 6: Next, enter the credentials for your new YouTube Account, to which you want to transfer the subscriptions. The import process completes once you connect your new YouTube account to the tool.
Step 7: You will then see a list of your subscribed channels in your new account. After finishing the process, click the “Revoke Access” button in the bottom left corner of your screen to disconnect your YouTube account from the tool.
You can now manage the list of your subscribed channels. If it does not import even after you grant access to the tool through your YouTube account, you must click the ‘Import!' button again.
Use Google Takeout
With this tool, the export delivers a CSV (comma-separated values) file containing the following data types:
- Channel Identifier
- Channel URL
- Title of the Channel
Follow these steps to execute the exportation of your YouTube subscription.
Step 1: You begin by logging into Google Takeout using a web browser.
Step 2: You then Click “All data included,” navigate to “Deselect all,” then to “Subscriptions,” and finally click “OK.”
Step 3: Click “Next step,” then “Create export.”
Step 4: After it appears, click the “Download” button; this may take some time.
Step 5: From the downloaded archive, extract the file “csv” ( takeout-20220524T222420Z-001.zip, takeout-20220524T222420Z-001.tar.gz).
Step 6: Within the archive, look for “subscriptions.csv” under “/YouTube and YouTube music/subscriptions/subscriptions.csv.”
Step 7: In the desired application, open “csv” ( LibreOffice Calc).
Here is an example of data output
You can equally use manual JavaScript
The export comes as a text message/object enclosed in double quotes via the JavaScript console. The data is formatted as a CSV (comma-separated values) within the double quotes and contains the following data.
- URL of the channel
- Title of the Channel
- Using a desktop web browser, navigate to YouTube.com/feed/channels.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page until all subscriptions load.
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+K (Firefox) or CTRL+SHIFT+I (Chrome/Chromium) to open the Web Developer Tools console.
- Cut and paste the JavaScript code below into your clipboard.
$$(“#main-link. channel-link”).reduce((str, el)=>str+'\n'+el.href+','+el.querySelector(“#main-link #text”).innerText,' Channel URL, Channel title');
- You then Copy the JavaScript code and paste it into the input field at the bottom of the screen.
- Right-click the output results and select “Copy Object” or “Copy Message.“
- Navigate to Copy and paste your subscriptions into the text editor of your choice.
- You can now remove the enclosed double quotation marks from the first and last lines and Save the file as “subscriptions.csv.”
Have a look at the example of the manual javascript data output
Strangely, YouTube doesn't make it easier to subscribe to multiple channels at once. Users may wish to share their viewing experiences with their friends. Subscribing to one or two channels isn't a big deal. It can take much longer if there are more than 50 channels involved.
Users subscribe to popular channels and gradually expand their subscription list based on the channels they enjoy.
YouTube prohibits accounts from subscribing to more than 80 channels in a single session, but an app that claims to be exempt because it uses the YouTube API can.