Simple Tips That Will Help You Start Your Own Podcasting Platform

Podcasting Platform

Podcasting is one of the most popular types of digital media nowadays. The best thing about it is that anyone can do it – even you! We're going to give you some simple tips that will help you start your own podcasting platform. Let's get started!

1. Do Your Research On Platforms


Before you start your podcasting platform, you have to decide where you are going to host it. There are many ways of hosting a podcast. You can choose one of the several popular hosts for podcasting on the Internet at the moment.

According to these Buzzsprout reviews, always check if they offer some free time periods for new users. Also, try to find out if they are offering any other relevant services for podcasters, such as podcast statistics. This will be very helpful when you want people to listen to your content.

2. Aim High!

A great thing about podcasting is that it's easy and cheap to start one – even if you have no previous experience! You don't need sophisticated equipment – you can just use your phone or another recording device.

It should be pointed out, however, that it is highly recommended to invest in some decent audio equipment. There are several types of them on the market today, so make sure to do your research before making a purchase.

3. Let Your Personality Shine!

First of all, it's better to be yourself than try too hard to sound professional. People want to listen to you – not a robot on their screen or radio. Tell them your story! Besides that, you have a great chance of building a very loyal community around your podcast. It can be a great feeling when people come up to you and tell you that your latest podcast has changed their lives for the better.

You can do it as well! It is also highly recommended to experiment with different types of content for your podcast. This will allow you to grow as a person and expand the topics that you focus on. The most common types of content are how-to guides, personal stories, or stories about life events.

4. Have a Schedule!

Have a Schedule

Be careful not to forget to upload episodes of your podcast regularly. It is recommended, however, to have a schedule and a podcast outline in the beginning so that the audience knows what they should expect from you on a daily or weekly basis.

Once you've found a good rhythm, try to stick with it – but feel free to experiment with different content types too. The most important thing is that people keep listening to your podcasts! Having a schedule is great, so you can keep your audience interested.

5. Promote Your Podcast & Get Feedback!

It's important, especially if you're just starting and nobody knows who you are yet (and it will be like this for some time). It's a good idea to promote your podcast everywhere you can – and we mean everywhere! Your own website and social media profiles, forums, or your local radio station. Don't forget about it! Promotion is one of the most important aspects of any successful digital product. Make sure to take advantage of all the tools that are available on the Internet today.

They will help you spread the word about your content much faster than before. Also, make sure to interact with people who comment on your videos or listen to episodes – ask them what they like best about it and how they think it could be improved. You might also want to try Auphonic as a cost-effective audio post-production platform. It will help you to create a polished, professional sound for your podcast and release its full potential!

6. Use Video Elements

Video is an integral part of most podcasts today. Not everyone likes listening to podcasts or doesn't have enough time for it – this is why video elements will be able to grab the attention of those people! You can also include some relevant videos as B-roll at times when there's no speech in the background.

As an example, imagine you're talking about a comedy show on your latest episode. You could then use some short clips from that show as B-roll which would explain what you mean much better than words only. Try not to overuse it, though – just have it there for those who might find it useful!

7. Create a Great Outro!

It's recommended to create some sort of outro sequence at the end of your episodes. This way, you'll be able to build up your brand and give your listeners something that they can easily remember. You can do this by playing one or two short clips (which is why it's better to start with video elements and experiment with them), or by listing your social media profiles and website.

A great outro will also help you get new listeners from the platforms you're being active at! People will start to recognize your podcast and come back for more episodes.

8. Offer More!

It's a great idea to add some extra content when you release each new episode of your podcast. This could be behind-the-scenes footage, teasers, photos related to the episode, etc. You can add these videos as annotations at times when there's no speech in the background – just like B-rolls from before.

It is also a good idea to make people subscribe to your channel if they want more exclusive content! Remember that YouTube is still one of the most popular platforms for digital video consumption out there!

9. Collaborate & Network!

Collaborate & Network

Both collaboration and networking are very important aspects of producing podcasts. There are some other podcasters out there who might be interested in having some sort of partnership with you – for example, you could offer them to promote each other's podcast via social media. This way, more people will know about your content, and you'll both get the exposure that you deserve!

Podcasting is very popular and relatively easy to start. It's a lot of fun as well! You can really make a difference if you manage to create an engaging podcast that people will love listening to or watching. Just put yourself into it, be natural, and have fun!

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