Have you installed windows 10 on your computer but wondering how to set a proxy server? Worry not! In this article we’ve prepared three step-by-step guidelines on how to set a proxy in windows 10.
Typically, using a proxy is fundamental in accessing geo-blocked sites or censored programs. What proxy does is configuring your IP address to appear like its own IP. For that reason, you can browse the internet anonymously without the Internet Service Provider (ISP), knowing it's you.
Proxies have been a household name for most IT experts who want to browse anonymously. You, too, have the capability of configuring the proxy in your windows 10 PC. Windows 10 is compatible with most proxy settings; therefore, follow any of the methods below and you’ll be proud of yourself.
1. Configuring a Proxy Through the Network Settings
With the network settings, you need to turn the WIFI on for the system to identify the network close to you.
First: Locate the Proxy Server Settings on the PC
Step 1. On your computer keypad, press the windows icon plus letter (I) or (O) simultaneously to access the settings Icons.
Or else, find the setting menu by clicking the windows icon on the taskbar on your screen.
Step 2. Click the setting menu and identify the network and setting tab among the other fourteen icons
Step 3: Open the Network and Internet Panel and choose the Proxy icon you see below
Second: Set Up A Proxy
In this case, you can set the proxy server automatically or manually. After you access the proxy icon, you will find both the automatic option and manual option.
Setting the Proxy Server Automatically
Step 1: Identify the proxy tab where the automatic detect setting should be on. Your system will automatically connect to an available network when the automatic detect location is on.
Step 2. Turn on the ‘use setup script' tab, where you will find the script address dialog box. You should do that if your system is not connecting to any WIFI network automatically.
Step 3: Paste or type the URL to access via script address dialog box
Step 4: Click on the save tab.
Step 5: go to your browsers like internet explorer or edge.
Step 6: Access your URL by clicking it on the internet explorer site to connect to the proxy you have just made.
Setting the Proxy Server Manually
Step 1: On the same proxy tab, scroll your computer downwards to manual proxy setup
Step 2: Turn on the ‘use of a proxy server' icon. That will activate the address and port icon.
Step 3: Enter the proxy server IP address and its port digits.
Step 4 : (This is not compulsory). Below the address and port tab, there is a dialog box with the computer's set instruction. In this box, you type the address that the system should not read.
Step 5: Depending on the network available, tick or not tick the option ‘do not use the proxy server for local addresses.
Step 6: Click the save icon.
2.Configuring Proxies Through Command Prompt
Typically, most IT gurus recommend the use of the Netsh.exe tool to facilitate this action. The following is a chronological guide on how to set up the proxy using the command prompt.
Step 1: First, press the windows pad and R pad on your keyboard simultaneously. That will bring you a run tab.
Or else, type the word Run on your search box and click it.
Step 2: type and click ok the ‘cmd ‘word on your computer. If your computer brings you a cmd story automatically, type it ok.
Step 3: (not compulsory) you could also make the run program as an administrator to get proficient results. On your search box, type and click Run. Then select the command prompt you see below and right-click ‘run as the administrator' option.
Step 4: On the command prompt, input the following commands ‘netsh winhttp set proxy proxy_server_ip:proxy_port' or ‘netsh winhttp set proxy <proxy> :< port>'.
Step 5: Tap the enter button to run either of the commands. If you find a text showing WinHTTP requires you to set IP and port, then you are on the right track.
Step 6: Input the respective proxy IP server and its port and browse your internet peacefully.
3. Configuring Proxies with a Control Panel
Step 1: Type the word control panel on your search box in the home tab.
Or else, you can go to the setting menu and type to search the word control panel.
Step 2: Identify and click the Network and Internet icons found in the control panel
Step 3: Scroll your cursor to the internet Options icon found where you will find three selections.
Step 4: Among the four choices, tap the ‘manage browser add-ons' selection.
Step 5: In the ‘manage browser add-ons,' click the connections property you see above.
Step 6: Go to LAN settings below and tap it.
Step 7: Type to enter the address and port boxes you see in the LAN settings
Step 8: Tick the box ‘bypass proxy server for local addresses' and tap ok
Step 9: Click the advanced icon when you want to access the HTTP, FTP, Socks, or other particular websites.
Step 10: Fill the HTTP, FTP, or Socks with their respective proxy address and port number.
Step 11: If you’re using similar Socks’, HTTP’s or FTP’s addresses, tick the ‘use the same proxy server for all protocols'
Step 12: Click ok, if you are satisfied with your settings.
1. How should I use and access Free proxies?
Typically, you can use free proxies to browse anonymously, just like premium proxies do. You can also use them for web surfing and access encrypted data.
You can access these proxies as an extension to browsers or access them from their sites. You can also route to access them using windows, android, Linux, IOS, Mac, or other OS. Such free proxies include Hide.me, Proxysite, and countless others.
2. Which Are The Details Required For Me To Set A Free Proxy?
Remember that there are two types of proxies, which are the premium and the free proxy. For the free proxy, you need an IP of the proxy server and the port number.
With the premium proxy, there is the username, Port number, IP, or Username. The username and password come into play because you are paying for the server's service.
3. Why does proxy matter?
A proxy is important for you to access those sites you love like YouTube or Facebook, that are restricted by your government, workplace, or school. It works by masking your IP and tricking the ISP to think that the proxy server is the one accessing their websites while it is you.
The same way you set a proxy in windows 10, it is relatively similar to all other windows versions. You can also route your proxy with different operating systems like Linux, Mac, IOS, or Android with this knowledge. In other cases, always use a proxy that is fast and has optimum bandwidth.