BEST 7 Xbox IP Grabber Similar to xResolver in 2025

Xbox IP Grabber Similar To Xresolver

Would you want to know your opponent's IP address? Well, you can use these Xbox IP grabbers to capture their details. This is important for your safety when playing online.

Are you are a regular gamer? At times, you may be tempted to know who your opponent is. Most of these Xbox IP grabbers capture the IP address, geolocation, city, and internet service providers' information. This is essential to check whether you are in the company of a hacker or not.

The IP pullers allow gamers, IT professionals, or other intruders to examine any packet regardless of the destination. It captures all packets and writes them to a local hard drive.

The same way your IP address is captured when you sign up to a website is the same way the IP address is captured when players are connected to a server. The IP is exposed, and you can intercept and pull the IPs from the server.

What Is Xresolver?

YouTube video

xResolver is an online website designed to parse Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation player codes and usernames into readable IP format. In essence, it is a database service that can record the codes and IPs of Xbox, PSN, and computer game players.

This Xbox IP grabber uses its algorithm to capture the player's IP address, username, geolocation, and Internet Service Provider’s information. The Xresolver is a database that contains an advanced algorithm to capture essential IP addresses.  This Xresolver helps reduce instances in which you are in the company of a hacker.

However, it offers a service in which a player can pay a fee for their IP address to be removed from the log for a long time. However, it is not recommended.

1. Xboxresolver

Xboxresolver Overview

This is a web tool that can extract the IP address from the Xbox player game tag or code. As a gamer, you can capture your opponent’s details. It is ideal if you want to monitor personal networks and identify packets. You can retrieve information about your opponent's IP address, username, location, and Internet service provider.

However, at times, retrieval of the details can take a while. If it takes too long, refresh the page. Also, if you come across any issues, you can join the Xboxresolver discord discussion group. This will help to troubleshoot the problem.

2. Lancremasteredpcps

Lancremasteredpcps Overview

The Lanc Remastered PCPs is a network monitoring and packet analysis application that helps pull and retrieve IPs from Xbox Live and PS gaming sessions. It is one of the best IP grabbers for gamers. It has one of the best IP puller tools and network optimization techniques.

Fortunately, it is free easy to use with a reliable community. It is compatible to work on a PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. Ideally, the tool is accessible online and offline, and you can gather the opponent's information at any time.

3. Octosniff

Octosniff Overview

This specific IP grabber requires you to pay to use it. However, it is relatively affordable. It is packed with some of the most powerful features. It is easy to install, has plenty of tutorials, offers 24/7 support, a friendly user interface, and is 100% malware-free.

The Octosniff tool allows you to identify packets automatically. This makes you identify the ones coming from the Xbox party chat and the Game servers IPS. Additionally, it offers a PS4 username AI feature to obtain which user owns which packet and associate the specific IP with a username.

The XBOX filters allow you to create your own or use the premade Xbox filters to retrieve packets from specific games.

4. Xboxonebooter

Xboxonebooter Overview

Xboxonebooter is another ideal IP grabber like Xresolver. It is one of the best IP booters, IP grabbers, and IP pullers for Xbox gamers. Fortunately, you can pull IPs both offline and online.

This software allows you to sniff and pull an IP address from the Xbox console.  You can grab IP addresses via a logger or network monitoring app. It is an ideal tool for gamers and Xbox fanatics.

It provides quality content about IP pullers, IP grabbers, and how to use them to boot offline. Furthermore, it also gets sensitive gamer information such as IP address, location, city, and username.

5. Consolesniffer

Consolesniffer Overview

Console sniffer is a network research and monitor tool for all consoles. If you are a gamer, you can use it to view the usernames and IP addresses of your opponents.  This software captures the usernames and IP addresses of the opponents.

There is no jailbreak required, and it works over Wi-Fi or a cellular network. It is easy to set up, compatible with VPNs and offers instant download after purchase.

It supports games like Grand Theft Auto 5, Official party chat, Minecraft, Dying light, uncharted MP. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support any single-player-only game.

Console sniffer can pull IP addresses, usernames, geolocation, and much more. This software can track the IP address and username of the person you are playing with. However, you need to pay for it.

6. Xboxreplay

Xboxreplay Overview

The XboxReplay is one of the fastest ways to find all your shared Xbox clips and screenshots. You can use it to view, share, and download the best Game DVR content. The software is free open source with minimal ads. It makes sharing and growing your Game DVR fast and easy. Xboxreplay is designed, developed, and integrated from scratch on future projects.

XboxReplay is an ideal tool if you want to know your fellow player. Fortunately, it is compatible with the common gaming consoles. The algorithms capture the gamer’s IP address, city, username, and geolocation easier. You can know who you are playing in real-time to prevent being in the company of hackers.

7. Psychocoding

Psychocoding Overview

Like XResolver, it is a VPN service provider that pulls relevant fellow players’ information. Psychocoding features dynamic Xbox filters, packet filters, and DDoS protection. You can get all the crucial information that you want.

It displays the opponent's IP addresses, usernames, geolocation, and Internet Service Provider’s information. In addition, the IP puller is compatible with other gaming consoles apart from Xbox.

These Xbox IP grabbers are essential for any serious gamer. It is legal to use these IP grabbers. However, do not use the information for any illegal purposes.

Be careful when playing online to ensure that your computer is not prone to any issues. Hackers can easily intercept your computer and destroy your important information.


At the technical level, it is legal to use Xresolver. This is because it only collects the available public data. However, many online gamers are normally fearful of their details being in the public domain. It may sometimes be termed as “illegal” because of pulling sensitive information.

Q. What if my IP address is recorded in xresolver?

You can pay the service fee of $12.99 to get your IP address deleted from the saved logs. This will make you feel more secure when playing online.

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