3 Easy Swap Ways to Move Columns in Excel

How to Move Columns in Excel

Sometimes to view and compare data more intuitively, we will need to move the position of the columns. There are various methods that you can use for one column or multiple columns.

Microsoft Excel is one of the best software that you can use to arrange values or words in tables. At times, you may want to compare and contrast some data in different columns. The worksheet may have too much value, and you might get confused while evaluating the table as it is.

Here are some ways in which you can move columns in Ms. Excel effortlessly.

1. Copy and paste method

In this, you will need to copy and paste the column or columns.

Step 1: To move the columns, click the English letters at the top to make the entire column selected.

click the English letters at the top

Step 2: Secondly, copy using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + C).

copy using the keyboard shortcut

Step 3: You now need to copy the content to a new column. Hence, click on your target letter location, like “C.” Paste the “copied column” to a blank column using the keyboard shortcut (CTRL + V).

Step 4: You can now delete the original column. Click on the letter like “A,” right-click, then choose to delete on the dropdown.

You can now delete the original column

2. Drag the column

You can also use the drag method to move columns in Excel.

Step 1: Click the letter above your target column. In the case that you want to move column A, move the mouse to column A.

Click the letter above your target column


Step 2: Before clicking, the mouse pointer will become a black downward arrow. Hence, click once to make the whole column selected.

Step 3: Then, move the mouse to the border of the column. When a black four-pointed arrow appears,  press and hold the shift key.

Step 4: At this time, you can drag the left mouse button to move the column left or right. This will move the column to another space. For example, from A to E.

you can drag the left mouse button

move the column left or right

  • Tip: If you want to move multiple columns, you can hold down the Ctrl key for multiple selections.

3. Sort all columns

This is an adjustment method for large tables. This method is highly effective if you have to reposition many columns in a table. This method is faster!

Step 1: First, create a new blank row at the top. You can do this in row 1. Move your cursor to 1; a black arrow will appear.

Step 2: Click on row 1 to highlight the whole row.

Click on row 1 to highlight

Step 3: When row 1 is highlighted, right-click on the pop-up menu, select “insert.” A new row will be created at the top.

right-click, on the pop-up menu insert

Step 4: You can now adjust the order of the columns according to your needs. Then enter numbers according to your preference.

Step 5: Next, you will need to select all the columns to sort them. , left-click on the farthest column at the top and move your mouse to the lowest column at the bottom.

you will need to select all the columns

Step 6: With all the columns selected, on the top menu bar, click “Data”> “Sort.” A dialog window will appear. Modify it according to your needs.

With all the columns selected, on the top menu bar

Step 7: You can change the order to arrange the values from smallest to largest, largest to smallest, values, cell color, font color, cell icon, or the various columns. Once done, remember to click OK to apply the changes.

You can change the order

Now, your values will be sorted according to the specific sorting method. You can also do it for words and make the order be according to the alphabet.

Use Microsoft Excel to move columns effortlessly.

You can also use the same method to move rows. The ultimate goal of adjusting the table is to make it more concise and easy to understand. This will make it easier for others to derive valuable things from your data.

These new tricks and hacks will help you to save enough time while working on your Excel worksheet. Make your presentation easy to understand!

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