What is Agent.Exe and How to Disable it?

Agent exe process

The agent.exe file is used in the background to connect to the internet and check for software updates. It also helps to install software automatically. I will show you how to find agent.exe and disable it.

What is agent.exe?

agent exe

Agent.exe is the InstallShield update service agent. It is used in the background to update Windows software. It is not part of the Windows system. It is a third-party software release that checks software updates on the Internet and alerts users about updates.

Agent exe is the process responsible for making updates possible, checking whether you are running the right software, and installing them automatically. When it runs, it connects to an external server and looks for the latest software updates.

Agent.exe notifies users of pending updates. Hence, for it to collect the correct update for the software it obtains the product version, name, and language.

Where is agent.exe found?

To locate agent.exe, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Press CTRL + Shift + ESC to open the Task Manager

Step 2:In the Details tab, right-click agent.exe and open the file location.

agent.exe location


Step 3: You should find it in: C:\Windows\System32. If you find it in another folder, it may be a virus.

Step 4: If you find out that it is a virus, use your preferred anti-virus software to scan it.

Does it cause high CPU usage?

high CPU usage

Chances are when a software downloads an update through the agent.exe process, it may take up a lot of RAM, CPU, or network speed.

You don't have to kill the process, wait for the update to complete, and the hardware used will return to normal. This will return your PC to its initial form.

Hence, you won't have to worry until another update starts using up too much CPU. Yes, it does but reduces when the update is over.

Can I delete it?

Deleting this executable file is not recommended. Sometimes when you have to update services or software, you need this executable file.If your computer has been in high usage of Agent.exe, try restarting the computer.

Also, try to wait till the updates are over instead of quitting when some programs are being updated to prevent any kind of malfunctioning.

It is not recommended to delete agent.exe. However, if it causes high CPU or disk usage you can reinstall the application that uses the agent.exe process.

To uninstall agent.exe, simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + R buttons. The Run dialog box will appear. Type “appwiz.cpl” and hit Enter. The programs and features window will open.

Type appwiz cpl

Step 2: Scroll down to find the app that uses agent.exe and right-click to uninstall it.


Step 1: Click on the Windows + S. In the search box, type Control Panel.

Step 2: Click Programs and Features

Control Panel Programs and Features

Step 3: Locate the app that uses agent.exe. Right-click and uninstall. You can then restart your computer.

agent.exe. uninstall

How do I disable Agent.exe?

Step 1: Click on the Windows button + R. This will redirect you to the command prompt.

Step 2: To disable agent.exe, copy this line of code:

reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\agent..exe” /v debugger /t reg_sz /d debugfile.exe /f

Step 3: To enable agent.exe, copy this line of code:

reg delete “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\agent.exe” /f
  • Tip: This is to call the registry to modify, you can also go into the registry, find the corresponding value to modify.

You need to be aware of abnormal processes, as they may be viruses in disguise.Get rid of them and keep your computer running safely. Also, try to run repair software like reimage to check for any issues in your computer. This will help to make your PC work better. Always be cautious when you note something abnormal in your computer.

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